What has the PSG done?
PSG has sponsored numerous lectures at the University of Michigan by and about Filipinos.
March, August 1995: "Why Are You Saying
That?": Intergenerational Communication Among Filipino-American Families. A
panel discussion among University of Michigan students and Filipino-American parents,
moderated by Lito Mangaser, journalist. Film Presentation: Ora Pro Nobis (Pray for Us),
directed by Lino Brocka. Multicultural Presentations: An Effective Educational Tool,
presented by Benita Murel, Ph. D. "You Can Grow Sampaloc for Sinigang in Ann
Arbor," presented by Deling Weller, master gardener. "Let's Cook Filipino Dishes
with a Difference," presented by Consolacion Rausa, Food Service Manager, Detroit
Public School System. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/csseas/newsletter/MarApr1995.html
July 1998 : Exhibit commemorating centennial of
Phillipines-U.S. relations : "Thinking of 100 Years: Historical Notes From Filipino
Americans in Ann Arbor" was at the Ann Arbor District Library on S. Fifth
Ave. July 11-31. The intention of this exhibit was to participate in the celebration of
the 100-year anniversary of the Declaration of Philippine Independence from Spain. Various
historical and cultural objects were exhibited in order to "reflect how individuals
from the local community could think about a hundred years of history." The District
Library's multi-purpose room was used for a series of lectures on Saturday afternoons in
conjunction with this event. http://www.umich.edu/~urecord/9798/Jun24_98/brief.htm
June 19, 2000 - Francisco Nemenzo, President,
University of the Philippines, 1999. Lecture: "The Philippines: Deterioration of a
Nation-State?" Nemenzo lectured on the crisis the Philippine government was
going through at that time, in relation to Muslim insurgency. http://www.umich.edu/~urecord/9900/Jun19_00/27.htm
Oct. 1995: lecture by Roger Bresnahan, professor in
the American Thought and Language Dept. at Michigan State University: "Themes and
Contexts of Philippine Literature." This lecture series on Philippine
Literature in translation, discussed several main themes in Philippine literature. The
goal was for attendees to "gain knowledge and the skills of criticism to apply to
further reading in the country's literature." http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/csseas/newsletter/SepOct1995.html
INITIATIVES : In partnership with the University of the Philippines Alumni
Association of Michigan (UPAAM), PSG was successful in raising the funds necessary to
sponsor a credited lecture series for University of Michigan students in the Winter '02
semester. This credited series is one large step towards the PSG's ultimate goal for a
Philippine Studies program. |